All tagged Hope In Our City

Education is Important

My name is Nuriya Mukoma and I'm originally from Kenya. My Family and I moved to the United State when I was 6 year old. We were brought here through the immigration services. We are very lucky to be in the United State as you should know not everyone in Africa was brought to America. It was sort of a lottery pick.  (Click image above to read entire story)

No Different

Rakia’s story is one of deep sadness. She lost 6 children to hunger and sickness while in Africa. One of those children, a toddler, died in her arms while traveling from Somalia to Kenya. Soldiers looking for money or jewelry realized she had none and cut off the child’s foot. He bled to death before she reached the refugee camp.  (Click image above to read the whole story)


When I first moved here, going to school was difficult.  Kids were very mean to me.  They teased me, stared at me and asked weird questions. They asked if I had hair under my hijab (they thought I was bald)!  They asked me if I ate from the trash in Africa.  They called me a rainbow because of all the bright colors I wore.  (Click image above to read the whole story)